LORD KRISHNA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, Khokhar (Lehragaga) is AFFILIATED with Punjab State Board of Technical Education, and APPROVED by the AICTE and PCI (Pharmacy Council of India), NEW DELHI. Our college was run by Shri Sai Educational Charitable & Welfare Society, Lehragaga (Sangrur) to impart Professional Education to eradicate non employment problem of the Punjab state in particular nearby living Rural Area People to inculcate and develop Moral & Spiritual values in the students to be the best citizen of the Nation. The Lord Krishna College of Pharmacy is a Private Self Financing college started in year 2007 and serving to the people since 12 years. The Institute has developed very good infrastructure and quality education is imparted by dedicated, dynamic and professionally qualified faculty members.
Candidate should have passed 10+2 with Medical as well as Non-Medical or equivalent groups from any Recognized Board. Selection is based on as per technical board norms. Admission is done based on the merit in qualifying exam or based on the Diploma Entrance Test (DET).
The Lord Krishna College of Pharmacy has taken required approval from all the regulatory bodies Punjab Government, AICTE and PCI, New Delhi for the conduct of Diploma in pharmacy course.
Lord Krishna College of Pharmacy
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